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When growing up, we all tend to take our memory and faculties for granted. As we grow older and see our parents and grandparents begin to struggle mentally, many find themselves at a loss. It is difficult to describe how emotionally painful it is to watch a loved one succumb to dementia. Fortunately, there are ways to help. If you or a loved one is suffering from dementia in Michigan, it’s time to get in touch with the compassionate medical professionals at CoreMed Plus. Here is what you should know about having a loved one with dementia and what you can do to help them.  Every individual and family confronting the complex reality of dementia requires empathetic support, knowledge, and exceptional healthcare. As your loved one navigates the labyrinth of this neurological condition, you may find yourself bewildered and anxious. Thankfully, Michigan’s leading healthcare provider, CoreMed Plus, is equipped with cutting-edge resources and a compassionate team ready to guide you and your loved one through this journey. In managing dementia, seeking treatment at CoreMed Plus ensures an integrative approach to care that fosters dignity, hope, and the best possible quality of life.

Guiding Loved Ones with Dementia Towards Quality Care at CoreMed Plus

Dementia encompasses a range of symptoms related to cognitive impairment, most notably memory loss, impaired judgment, and difficulty with day-to-day activities. With diverse types, including Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia, the condition progressively affects not only the patient but also the surrounding family and community. Understanding the comprehensive approach required to manage dementia, CoreMed Plus believes in providing empathetic care that empowers patients while alleviating caregiver stress. Here at CoreMed Plus, the first step in assisting your loved one with dementia involves a thorough diagnosis. Our team, comprising neurologists, psychologists, geriatric specialists, and skilled nurses, uses the most recent medical advancements and diagnostic tools to ensure an accurate understanding of the dementia stage and type. This comprehensive assessment is crucial in crafting an individualized care plan that caters to each patient’s unique needs and circumstances.


Once diagnosed, our multidisciplinary team works hand-in-hand with caregivers and family members to educate them about the condition. We believe that understanding dementia’s implications is key to providing the most nurturing environment for your loved one. Our patient-centric approach extends beyond the clinical setting, encompassing a robust support system for families with resources including counseling, workshops, and support groups. This comprehensive approach helps caregivers manage their emotional well-being while equipping them with the necessary skills to support their loved ones effectively. At CoreMed Plus, we place a significant emphasis on personalized treatment plans. Our therapeutic strategy incorporates medication management, occupational and speech therapy, and physical exercise. Moreover, we recognize the importance of maintaining mental and emotional well-being, integrating cognitive stimulation therapies and personalized activities into each patient’s care plan. From art therapy to music sessions, we employ various techniques to enhance cognitive function, preserve memories, and uplift spirits. Additionally, we understand that the journey with dementia can be fraught with concerns about declining physical health and increased vulnerability to other conditions. Thus, we ensure regular health checks and preventive care measures to monitor and maintain overall health. Our dieticians provide personalized nutrition plans, our physiotherapists develop tailored exercise regimens, and our medical team continuously evaluates medication effectiveness.


However, CoreMed Plus’s commitment to your loved one’s health is not limited to our medical center’s confines. We realize that home is often the most comfortable and reassuring environment for individuals with dementia. Therefore, we offer home health services, including routine medical checkups, therapy sessions, and caregiver support, ensuring that high-quality care is accessible and consistent, even within your loved one’s living room. We acknowledge that dementia is not a solitary journey. It impacts families, changing dynamics and adding stress to relationships. That’s why we’ve established a community of care, encouraging regular family meetings, offering respite services for caregivers, and providing psychological support to help you navigate the emotional complexities involved. At CoreMed Plus, we aim to foster an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding where every family member feels heard, supported, and cared for.


We understand the emotional turbulence you may experience while caring for a loved one with dementia. The path is uncertain and often daunting, filled with a whirlwind of emotions and questions. But remember, you are not alone. At CoreMed Plus, we extend our arms to welcome you into a community where care meets compassion, where medical expertise meets heartfelt understanding, and where your loved one’s well-being is our priority. Allow us to help you and your loved ones navigate the complexities of dementia, providing the care, support, and love required to make this journey as comfortable as possible. Dementia does not only affect the person diagnosed but extends its reach to those who love and care for them. CoreMed Plus understands this intricate dynamic and is committed to helping patients and their families navigate the journey ahead. When you choose CoreMed Plus for your loved one’s dementia care, you choose a community that values empathy, understanding, and top-tier medical care. Because at the heart of it all, your loved one’s dignity, comfort, and quality of life are our ultimate goals.


Treatment Innovations at CoreMed Plus

At CoreMed Plus, we consistently prioritize investing in state-of-the-art technologies and innovative therapies that propel dementia care forward. In recent years, we have introduced exciting advancements such as virtual reality therapy, which provides immersive experiences stimulating cognitive function and eliciting pleasant memories.


Multifaceted Approach to Therapy

The dynamic nature of dementia necessitates a multifaceted approach to therapy. We offer a variety of non-pharmacological therapies to complement traditional treatment methods. These include cognitive stimulation therapy, reminiscence therapy, and sensory stimulation therapy. These personalized therapies are designed not only to manage the symptoms but also to enhance the quality of life for each individual under our care.


Communication Support

Another core aspect of our care model at CoreMed Plus is communication support. We understand that dementia can significantly impact a person’s ability to communicate, leading to frustration and distress. Our speech therapists and care providers are trained to use various strategies to facilitate communication, including the use of simple, clear language, visual aids, and assistive technology.


Mental Health and Emotional Well-being

Living with dementia is emotionally challenging. Therefore, our mental health professionals offer psychotherapy and counseling services for both patients and their families. This includes coping strategies, stress management, and emotional support to navigate through this difficult journey.


End-of-Life Care

At CoreMed Plus, we recognize that end-of-life care is an integral part of dementia treatment. Our compassionate and skilled palliative care team ensures that the final stages of life are as comfortable and dignified as possible. We work closely with families to understand their wishes and provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support during this difficult time. Caring for a loved one with dementia is indeed a challenging journey, but with the right support and guidance, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. At CoreMed Plus, we ensure that your loved one receives the best possible care and treatment while empowering you with the knowledge and skills to support them every step of the way. The journey may be difficult, but at CoreMed Plus, you are never alone. Trust us to provide the most comprehensive, compassionate, and patient-centered care that your loved one deserves.

The Imperative of Early Intervention in Dementia: Choose CoreMed Plus for Superior Care

The uncertainty and anxiety that accompany a dementia diagnosis are undeniably overwhelming. Still, there’s one crucial factor that can make a world of difference in managing dementia: time. The earlier a loved one with dementia begins receiving treatment, the better their chances of maintaining quality of life and independence for longer. Michigan’s foremost healthcare center, CoreMed Plus, is here to guide and support you in this journey, ensuring prompt and comprehensive treatment from the moment dementia symptoms first appear.


Early Signs and Symptoms of Dementia to Watch Out for

Recognizing the early signs of dementia is a critical first step toward seeking timely intervention. Symptoms may include subtle memory loss, challenges in planning or problem-solving, and difficulties in accomplishing familiar tasks. Other signs may involve confusion with time or place, problems with words in speaking or writing, and mood or personality changes. If you observe these symptoms in a loved one, reaching out to a healthcare professional should be your immediate response.


The Benefit of Early Diagnosis

When dementia is detected early, it allows for a broader range of treatment options and strategies. With more time, healthcare professionals can prescribe medications that can slow symptom progression and manage behavioral changes more effectively. It also provides the opportunity for patients and their families to participate in clinical trials, providing access to the latest treatment options. Early diagnosis also facilitates a proactive approach to planning for the future. It allows families to make key decisions about care, legal, and financial matters together, ensuring the patient’s wishes are upheld.


CoreMed Plus: Pioneering Dementia Care in Michigan

Michigan’s CoreMed Plus stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking exceptional dementia care. Our interdisciplinary team of experts specializes in early detection and treatment of dementia. From the initial stages of assessment and diagnosis to the development and implementation of personalized care plans, CoreMed Plus provides an integrated approach that ensures each patient receives optimal care.


Comprehensive Assessment and Personalized Treatment

Our team uses the most advanced diagnostic tools to assess and diagnose dementia in its early stages. Once a diagnosis is established, we create a personalized treatment plan that includes medication management, lifestyle adjustments, and therapy options.


Family Involvement and Education

At CoreMed Plus, we deeply understand that dementia affects not just the individual diagnosed, but the whole family. We believe in involving family members in the care process, educating them about the condition, and providing essential resources for coping with the challenges dementia brings.


Quality of Life Enhancement

With a focus on enhancing the quality of life for individuals with dementia, CoreMed Plus employs various therapeutic activities tailored to stimulate cognitive function and maintain emotional well-being. From art and music therapy to pet therapy and sensory stimulation, we integrate these approaches into our care plans, ensuring patients find joy, connection, and purpose in their day-to-day lives. With our cutting-edge treatment options, compassionate staff, and unwavering commitment to patient well-being, you can trust us to provide the best dementia care in Michigan. Let CoreMed Plus guide you through this challenging journey; you are not alone.

Your Choice Matters: Choose CoreMed Plus for Superior Dementia Care

In the face of a dementia diagnosis, whether for yourself or a loved one, your decision of where to seek treatment can profoundly shape the journey ahead. It is not just about receiving medical care; it’s about finding a place that extends beyond the clinical aspect, offering compassion, understanding, and steadfast support. CoreMed Plus stands out as a beacon in Michigan for dementia treatment, committed to providing comprehensive care tailored to the unique needs of each patient. At CoreMed Plus, our unwavering mission is to provide top-tier dementia care that combines cutting-edge medical treatments, innovative therapies, and a compassionate, patient-centric approach. We understand that dementia affects not only the individual diagnosed but also the entire family. That’s why we involve and support families at every step, educating them, providing coping resources, and helping them navigate this challenging journey. Remember, early intervention is crucial in managing dementia effectively. Do not let uncertainty or fear delay you from seeking the help you need. Reach out to CoreMed Plus at the first sign of symptoms, and let our team of experts provide the diagnostic and therapeutic care that could make a world of difference in your or your loved one’s life. In conclusion, there is no need to face dementia alone or unprepared. Let CoreMed Plus stand by your side, offering the knowledge, skills, and compassionate care necessary to enhance the quality of life and dignity of your loved ones. We urge all individuals and families grappling with dementia to schedule an appointment with CoreMed Plus. Choose hope, choose to understand, and choose quality life with CoreMed Plus. Your journey with dementia is our journey, too. You are not alone; CoreMed Plus is here for you.


Looking for the best dementia treatment in Michigan? Call CoreMed Plus and schedule an appointment!

Dr. Mark Richter Bio

I grew up in Florida as the oldest of five sons. After earning my degree from the University of Florida, I pursued my medical education in the Dominican Republic. In 1988, I began my Family Practice Residency at the “old” Pontiac General Hospital. I have been providing medical care to the same community since 1991, first in Waterford and later at our current location in White Lake, where I continue to practice today. I take pride in being board certified by the American Academy of Family Physicians and remain committed to Primary Care. I am passionate about promoting a healthy lifestyle, including a proper “balanced” diet, exercise, exposure to healthy outdoor activities, and achieving work-life balance. I married my Medical School Sweetheart, Barbara, and we are fortunate to have two adult children and a granddaughter. We have been residents of Oakland County since 1988 and enjoy all that Michigan has to offer.