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Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 & 2

At CoreMed Plus, we offer comprehensive diabetes management services to help patients effectively manage their condition and reduce the risk of complications. Our experienced healthcare providers work closely with each patient to develop an individualized treatment plan considering their unique needs and concerns. 

We offer a range of services for diabetes management, including medication management, blood sugar monitoring, lifestyle counseling, foot care, and support groups.Our facilities have state-of-the-art technology and equipment to provide patients with the best possible care. We use electronic health records to ensure that patient information is easily accessible and secure.

In addition to our medical services, we also offer educational resources and support to help patients learn about their condition and how to manage it effectively. We believe that education is key to effective diabetes management, and we work closely with our patients to ensure they have the knowledge and resources they need to manage their condition.

If you or a loved one is living with diabetes, contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help you manage your condition. We are committed to providing patients with the highest quality diabetes care and helping them lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

What is Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition that affects how your body processes blood sugar or glucose. Glucose is the main energy source for your body’s cells, and it comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, helps regulate the amount of glucose in your blood.

In people with diabetes, the body either does not produce enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. As a result, glucose builds up in the bloodstream, leading to high blood sugar levels. Over time, high blood sugar levels can cause various health problems, including heart disease, nerve damage, kidney damage, and eye damage.

There are three main types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and occurs when the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin or does not produce enough insulin. Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy and typically goes away after delivery, although women with gestational diabetes are at increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

Diabetes can be managed with lifestyle changes, medication, and sometimes insulin therapy. Managing diabetes requires regularly monitoring blood sugar levels, maintaining a healthy diet, staying physically active, taking medication as prescribed, and managing stress levels. People with diabetes need to work closely with their healthcare providers to develop a personalized treatment plan and to receive regular check-ups to monitor their condition and prevent complications.

What is Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune condition that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels in the body. Without insulin, the body cannot properly regulate blood sugar levels, leading to high blood sugar levels, which can cause various health problems.

Type 1 diabetes is typically diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can occur at any age. The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is not known, but it is thought to be related to genetics and environmental factors. While type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented, it can be effectively managed with the right treatment plan.

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes include:

  • Increased thirst and hunger
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow-healing wounds
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • Unintended weight loss

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, seeing a healthcare provider for evaluation and diagnosis is important.

Treatment of type 1 diabetes typically involves:

  1. Insulin Therapy: Since the body is unable to produce insulin, people with type 1 diabetes require insulin therapy to regulate blood sugar levels. This may involve daily injections of insulin or the use of an insulin pump.
  2. Blood Sugar Monitoring: Regular blood sugar monitoring is an important part of managing type 1 diabetes. This can be done at home using a blood glucose meter or other monitoring devices.
  3. Diet and Exercise: Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise can help improve blood sugar control and reduce the risk of complications associated with type 1 diabetes.
  4. Support Groups: Living with type 1 diabetes can be challenging, and support from others who are going through the same experience can be helpful. There are many support groups and resources available for people with type 1 diabetes and their loved ones.

At CoreMed Plus, we offer comprehensive type 1 diabetes management services to help our patients effectively manage their condition. Our healthcare providers take a patient-centered approach to care, working closely with each patient to develop an individualized treatment plan considering their unique needs and concerns. From insulin therapy to blood sugar monitoring and lifestyle counseling, we offer a wide range of services to help our patients with type 1 diabetes live their best lives.

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune condition that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. While there is no cure for type 1 diabetes, it can be effectively managed with the right treatment plan. If you are living with type 1 diabetes, it is crucial to work closely with your healthcare provider to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals. 

At CoreMed Plus, we are committed to providing our patients with comprehensive type 1 diabetes management services to help them achieve optimal health and well-being. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help you manage your type 1 diabetes.

What is Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when the body cannot properly use insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels in the body. In type 2 diabetes, the body may produce insulin, but it is not used effectively, leading to high blood sugar levels.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, accounting for about 90-95% of all cases. It is typically diagnosed in adults, although it is becoming more common in children and young adults due to rising obesity rates.

Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include:

  • Family history of diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Ethnicity (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans are at higher risk)

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes may include:

  • Increased thirst and hunger
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow-healing wounds
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • Unintended weight loss

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see a healthcare provider for evaluation and diagnosis.

Treatment of type 2 diabetes typically involves:

  1. Lifestyle Changes: Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and losing weight can help improve blood sugar control and reduce the risk of complications associated with type 2 diabetes.
  2. Oral Medications: Several oral medications can help lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. These medications work in different ways and may be used in combination.
  3. Insulin Therapy: Some people with type 2 diabetes may require insulin therapy if other treatments are ineffective in controlling blood sugar levels.
  4. Blood Sugar Monitoring: Regular blood sugar monitoring is important in managing type 2 diabetes. This can be done at home using a blood glucose meter or other monitoring devices.
  5. Support Groups: Living with type 2 diabetes can be challenging, and support from others who are going through the same experience can be helpful. There are many support groups and resources available for people with type 2 diabetes and their loved ones.

At CoreMed Plus, we offer comprehensive type 2 diabetes management services to help our patients effectively manage their condition. Our healthcare providers take a patient-centered approach to care, working closely with each patient to develop an individualized treatment plan that considers their unique needs and concerns. From lifestyle counseling to medication management and blood sugar monitoring, we offer a wide range of services to help our patients with type 2 diabetes live their best lives.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when the body is unable to use insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels properly. While there is no cure for type 2 diabetes, it can be effectively managed with the right treatment plan. If you are at risk for type 2 diabetes or have been diagnosed with the condition, it is vital to work closely with your healthcare provider to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals. 

At CoreMed Plus, we are committed to providing our patients with comprehensive type 2 diabetes management services to help them achieve optimal health and well-being. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help you manage your type 2 diabetes.

CoreMed Plus Services for Diabetes

CoreMed Plus offers a variety of services for diabetes management to help patients effectively manage their condition and reduce the risk of complications. These services include:

  1. Comprehensive Diabetes Evaluations: Our healthcare providers conduct comprehensive evaluations to diagnose and assess the severity of diabetes. This may include blood tests, urine tests, and other diagnostic tests to evaluate blood sugar levels, kidney function, cholesterol levels, and other health markers.
  2. Medication Management: We offer medication management services to help patients with diabetes effectively manage their condition. This may include prescribing oral medications, insulin therapy, or other medications to manage blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of complications.
  3. Blood Sugar Monitoring: We provide patients with tools and resources for monitoring their blood sugar levels at home, including blood glucose meters and other monitoring devices. Our healthcare providers work with patients to develop a personalized monitoring schedule based on their individual needs.
  4. Lifestyle Counseling: We offer counseling services to help patients make healthy choices that can improve blood sugar control and reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes. This may include nutrition, physical activity, stress management, and smoking cessation guidance.
  5. Foot Care: Diabetes can increase the risk of foot problems, so we offer foot care services to help patients prevent and manage foot complications associated with diabetes. This may include regular foot exams, education on proper foot care, and treatment of foot problems.

At CoreMed Plus, we are committed to providing our patients with comprehensive diabetes management services to help them effectively manage their condition and improve their overall health and well-being. 

Our healthcare providers take a patient-centered approach to care, working closely with each patient to develop an individualized treatment plan that considers their unique needs and concerns. If you or a loved one is living with diabetes, contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help you manage your condition.

Why Choose Core Med Plus for Your Diabetes Care

There are many reasons why you should choose Core Med Plus for your diabetes care. Here are just a few:

  1. Experienced Healthcare Providers: Our healthcare providers have extensive experience in managing diabetes and are committed to providing patients with high-quality, personalized care.
  2. Comprehensive Care: We offer a wide range of services for diabetes management, including medication management, blood sugar monitoring, lifestyle counseling, foot care, and support groups. This comprehensive approach to care helps patients effectively manage their condition and reduce the risk of complications.
  3. Patient-Centered Approach: At CoreMed Plus, we take a patient-centered approach to care, working closely with each patient to develop an individualized treatment plan that considers their unique needs and concerns. We believe that effective diabetes management requires a collaborative effort between patients and healthcare providers.
  4. Convenient and Accessible Care: We understand that managing diabetes can be challenging, so we offer convenient and accessible care. Our healthcare providers are available for in-person and virtual appointments, and we offer flexible scheduling to accommodate busy lifestyles.
  5. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our facilities have the latest technology and equipment to provide patients with the best possible care. We also use electronic health records to ensure that patient information is easily accessible and secure.
  6. Focus on Education: We believe education is key to effective diabetes management, so we offer educational resources and support to help patients learn about their condition and how to manage it effectively.

Let Us Help Manage Your Diabetes Care

At CoreMed Plus, we are dedicated to providing patients with the highest quality diabetes care. If you or a loved one is living with diabetes, don’t wait to seek care. Our experienced healthcare providers are here to help you effectively manage your condition and reduce the risk of complications.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our comprehensive diabetes management services. We offer convenient and accessible care, state-of-the-art facilities, and a patient-centered approach to care that puts your needs and concerns first.

At CoreMed Plus, we believe that effective diabetes management requires a collaborative effort between patients and healthcare providers. Let us help you take control of your health and live your best life with diabetes!

Contact Information

If you’re ready to take charge of your health and embark on a journey toward a healthier, happier life, we invite you to contact us today. Our compassionate and knowledgeable staff is excited to take your call and help you on your health journey. We will work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan that is right for you and provide the support and care you need every step of the way.

Don’t let health concerns hold you back – contact CoreMed Plus today and let us help you achieve optimal health and wellness. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve a healthier, happier life.

+1 248-666-6005

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    Dr. Mark Richter Bio

    I grew up in Florida as the oldest of five sons. After earning my degree from the University of Florida, I pursued my medical education in the Dominican Republic. In 1988, I began my Family Practice Residency at the “old” Pontiac General Hospital. I have been providing medical care to the same community since 1991, first in Waterford and later at our current location in White Lake, where I continue to practice today. I take pride in being board certified by the American Academy of Family Physicians and remain committed to Primary Care. I am passionate about promoting a healthy lifestyle, including a proper “balanced” diet, exercise, exposure to healthy outdoor activities, and achieving work-life balance. I married my Medical School Sweetheart, Barbara, and we are fortunate to have two adult children and a granddaughter. We have been residents of Oakland County since 1988 and enjoy all that Michigan has to offer.