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Dementia is a condition that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. It affects cognitive function and can cause various symptoms, including memory loss, difficulty with language, disorientation, changes in mood or behavior, and difficulty with daily tasks. Managing dementia requires a comprehensive approach that includes medical treatment, therapy, lifestyle changes, and support for caregivers.

At CoreMed Plus, we understand the challenges of living with dementia and are committed to providing compassionate, personalized care and support to help improve quality of life. We offer various services to help people with dementia manage their condition, including diagnosis and evaluation, personalized treatment plans, ongoing monitoring and support, therapy, lifestyle management, support for caregivers, and safety measures to prevent accidents and injuries.

Our team of healthcare professionals is experienced in managing dementia and can work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your individual needs and goals. We are committed to providing high-quality care and support to help you and your loved ones manage the challenges of dementia with confidence and ease. If you or a loved one is living with dementia, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to support you every step of the way and help you live your best life with dementia.

What is Dementia

Dementia is a term used to describe a decline in cognitive function that is severe enough to interfere with a person’s ability to perform daily activities. It is not a specific disease but rather a collection of symptoms that various underlying conditions can cause. Dementia affects a person’s memory, thinking, language, judgment, and behavior and can significantly impact their quality of life.

The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for about 60-80% of cases. Other causes of dementia include vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia, and mixed dementia (a combination of different types of dementia).

The symptoms of dementia can vary depending on the type and severity of the condition. Early symptoms may include:

  • Mild forgetfulness.
  • Difficulty with language or communication.
  • Changes in mood or behavior.

As the condition progresses, symptoms may become more severe, including disorientation, difficulty with daily tasks, and changes in personality or behavior.

Diagnosing dementia typically involves a thorough medical evaluation, including a physical exam, cognitive testing, and imaging tests such as a brain scan. This can help healthcare providers determine the type and severity of the condition and develop a treatment plan.

Treatment for dementia typically involves managing underlying health conditions and addressing symptoms to improve quality of life. This may include medications to manage symptoms such as memory loss, mood changes, sleep disturbances, and occupational or cognitive behavioral therapy. In some cases, lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and social engagement can also help improve symptoms.

While there is currently no cure for dementia, early diagnosis, and treatment can help improve outcomes and slow the condition’s progression. Support from family members, caregivers, and healthcare professionals is also crucial for managing the challenges of dementia and maintaining the quality of life.

Signs and Symptoms of Dementia

Dementia is a condition that affects cognitive function and can cause a range of symptoms. The signs and symptoms of dementia can vary depending on the type and severity of the condition, but some common symptoms include:

  • Memory Loss: Memory loss is a common and early symptom of dementia. It can include forgetting recent events or conversations, forgetting the names and faces of familiar people, misplacing items frequently, and relying heavily on reminders and aids to help remember important information. As dementia progresses, memory loss can become more severe and interfere with daily activities, such as paying bills, following medication schedules, or maintaining personal hygiene.
  • Language Difficulty: Difficulty with language is another common symptom of dementia. People with dementia may have trouble finding the right words to express themselves or understanding what others are saying. This can make communication challenging and frustrating, leading to social isolation and feelings of anxiety and depression.
  • Disorientation: Disorientation is another symptom of dementia that can be particularly distressing for individuals and their families. People with dementia may become confused or disoriented, even in familiar surroundings. They may forget where they are, what day it is, or what they did just moments ago. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and fear, and can also increase the risk of accidents and wandering.
  • Changes in Mood: Changes in mood or behavior are common in people with dementia. These can include changes in mood, such as depression, anxiety, or apathy, as well as changes in behavior, such as agitation, aggression, or wandering. These changes can be challenging for caregivers and can impact the person’s quality of life.
  • Difficulty With Daily Tasks: Difficulty with daily tasks is another common symptom of dementia. People with dementia may struggle with previously routine tasks, such as dressing themselves, bathing, or preparing meals. This can lead to frustration and a loss of independence and may require assistance from caregivers.
  • Loss of Initiviate: Loss of initiative is another symptom of dementia that can impact the quality of life. People with dementia may lose interest in activities they previously enjoyed and may need prompting to engage in social activities. This can lead to feelings of isolation and depression and impact physical health.
  • Poor Judgement: Poor judgment is another symptom of dementia that can have serious consequences. People with dementia may make poor decisions, such as giving away money to strangers or neglecting personal hygiene. This can increase the risk of accidents and injury and may require close monitoring by caregivers.
  • Changes in Personality: Personality changes are also common in people with dementia. This can include increased irritability, impulsivity, or a lack of empathy. These changes can be challenging for caregivers and impact social relationships and quality of life.

It is important to note that not everyone with dementia will experience all these symptoms, which can vary in severity and progression over time. If you or a loved one is sharing these symptoms, it is essential to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment for Dementia

There is currently no cure for dementia, but treatment options are available to help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. The treatment for dementia typically depends on the underlying cause, the type and severity of symptoms, and the individual’s overall health status. Some common treatments for dementia include:

  • Medications: Medications are often used to manage symptoms of dementia. Cholinesterase inhibitors, such as donepezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine, are commonly used to treat mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. These medications work by increasing neurotransmitters in the brain, which can improve cognitive function and memory. Memantine is another medication that is used to treat moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease and works by regulating the activity of glutamate, a neurotransmitter that is involved in learning and memory.
  • Therapy: Therapies can also help manage symptoms of dementia. Occupational therapy can help people with dementia maintain independence and improve their ability to perform daily tasks. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help manage depression and anxiety and help people with dementia manage challenging behaviors. Reminiscence therapy, which involves discussing past experiences and memories, can help improve mood and cognitive function and may also help improve communication skills.
  • LifeStyle Changes: Lifestyle changes can also help manage symptoms of dementia. Regular exercise can help improve cognitive function, mood, and overall health. A balanced diet can help improve overall health and improve cognitive function. Social engagement, such as participating in social activities or spending time with family and friends, can help improve mood and cognitive function.
  • Caregiver Support: Support for caregivers is also crucial in managing dementia. Caregivers can be critical in helping people with dementia manage symptoms and maintain independence. Respite care can give caregivers a break from caregiving responsibilities, allowing them to rest and recharge. Counseling and support groups can provide caregivers with the tools and resources to provide care and manage the challenges of caring for someone with dementia.
  • Safety Measures: Safety measures are also crucial in managing dementia. People with dementia are at increased risk of accidents and injuries, so preventing falls and other accidents is essential. This may include removing tripping hazards, installing grab bars and handrails, and using medication reminders to ensure that medications are taken safely and as prescribed.

While these treatments can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life, they cannot reverse the damage caused by dementia. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for managing symptoms and improving outcomes. Working with healthcare providers to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets individual needs and goals is also necessary.

How CoreMed Plus Can Help

At CoreMed Plus, we understand the challenges of living with dementia. We are dedicated to providing compassionate, personalized care and support to help you or your loved one manage the condition. Here are some of the ways we can help:

  1. Diagnosis and Evaluation: Our team can thoroughly evaluate the cause of dementia and develop a personalized treatment plan.
  2. Personalized Treatment Plans: We can work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that meets your individual needs and goals, including medication management, therapy, and lifestyle changes.
  3. Ongoing Monitoring and Support: We provide continuous monitoring and support to ensure that your treatment plan works effectively and adjusts it as needed.
  4. Therapy: We offer a range of therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and reminiscence therapy, to help manage symptoms of dementia.
  5. Lifestyle Management: We can guide healthy lifestyle choices, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, that can help manage symptoms of dementia.
  6. Support for Caregivers: We understand the challenges of caring for someone with dementia and offer support services such as respite care, counseling, and support groups to help caregivers manage the demands of caregiving.
  7. Safety Measures: We can guide safety measures such as removing tripping hazards and installing grab bars and handrails to help prevent accidents and injuries.

At CoreMed Plus, we are committed to providing high-quality care and support to help you or your loved one manage dementia and live your best life. Don’t let dementia control your life – contact us today to learn how we can help.

We Are Here to Help You With Dementia

Dementia is a challenging condition that can impact a person’s quality of life and require a comprehensive management approach. At CoreMed Plus, we are dedicated to providing compassionate, personalized care and support to help you and your loved ones manage the challenges of dementia with confidence and ease.

Our experienced team of healthcare professionals is here to support you every step, providing personalized treatment plans, ongoing monitoring and support, therapy, lifestyle management, support for caregivers, and safety measures to prevent accidents and injuries.

Don’t let dementia control your life. Contact CoreMed Plus today to learn how we can help you or your loved one manage dementia and live your best life. We are committed to providing high-quality care and support to help you and your loved ones navigate the challenges of dementia with confidence and ease.

Meet Dr. Mark Richter

I grew up in Florida as the oldest of five sons. After earning my degree from the University of Florida, I pursued my medical education in the Dominican Republic. In 1988, I began my Family Practice Residency at the “old” Pontiac General Hospital. I have been providing medical care to the same community since 1991, first in Waterford and later at our current location in White Lake, where I continue to practice today. I take pride in being board certified by the American Academy of Family Physicians and remain committed to Primary Care. I am passionate about promoting a healthy lifestyle, including a proper “balanced” diet, exercise, exposure to healthy outdoor activities, and achieving work-life balance. I married my Medical School Sweetheart, Barbara, and we are fortunate to have two adult children and a granddaughter. We have been residents of Oakland County since 1988 and enjoy all that Michigan has to offer.

Meet Briahnnon Long NP-BC

Briahnnon Long, NP-BC, graduated from Oakland University in 2009 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and worked as a nurse in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. She then pursued her Master of Science in Nursing. She graduated from The University of Michigan Flint in 2020 and became board certified by The American Nurses Credentialing Center as a Family Nurse Practitioner. She works in the acute care setting as a hospitalist and in the subacute care setting at a skilled nursing facility. She has special interests in health and wellness, preventative medicine, and chronic care management in the primary care setting. She loves being outdoors, cheering on her husband and two children in hockey, and camping and boating in the summer.

Contact Information

If you’re ready to take charge of your health and embark on a journey toward a healthier, happier life, we invite you to contact us today. Our compassionate and knowledgeable staff is excited to take your call and help you on your health journey. We will work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan that is right for you and provide the support and care you need every step of the way.

Don’t let health concerns hold you back – contact CoreMed Plus today and let us help you achieve optimal health and wellness. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve a healthier, happier life.

+1 248-666-6005

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    Dr. Mark Richter Bio

    I grew up in Florida as the oldest of five sons. After earning my degree from the University of Florida, I pursued my medical education in the Dominican Republic. In 1988, I began my Family Practice Residency at the “old” Pontiac General Hospital. I have been providing medical care to the same community since 1991, first in Waterford and later at our current location in White Lake, where I continue to practice today. I take pride in being board certified by the American Academy of Family Physicians and remain committed to Primary Care. I am passionate about promoting a healthy lifestyle, including a proper “balanced” diet, exercise, exposure to healthy outdoor activities, and achieving work-life balance. I married my Medical School Sweetheart, Barbara, and we are fortunate to have two adult children and a granddaughter. We have been residents of Oakland County since 1988 and enjoy all that Michigan has to offer.